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Alumni and their practical experiences
Christoph Maier | Graduate Industrial Engineering with Business Studies HDBW Munich
Here you can find out about the careers of former HDBW students: What did they study and what professional experiences did they have during their studies?
The graduates also answer some questions about studying at HDBW and give their contact details. If you have any questions for them, they would be more than happy to help you!
Christoph Maier | Ernst Maier Spielplatzgeräte

Christoph Maier completed his dual track Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management while working as an Executive Assistant at his family business, Ernst Maier Spielplatzgeräte GmbH. He successfully earned his undergraduate degree from HDBW in spring 2023.
In the winter semester 2023/24, he began his Master’s studies in Digital Business Modelling and Entrepreneurship at HDBW.
He is now the Managing Partner of his family business, Ernst Maier Spielplatzgeräte GmbH, leading the company into the future.
Which aspects of your studies at HDBW have been particularly beneficial in your professional life?
"The connections I made with fellow students and lecturers during and after my studies have been extremely valuable. Additionally, the dual study programme leading to my Bachelor of Engineering, with its in-depth practical component, has greatly helped me in my work within the craft-based SME sector, enabling me to understand and integrate both technical and business aspects.
I chose to pursue my Master’s degree because of the positive experiences I had during my Bachelor’s studies. Another key factor in my decision was the opportunity to take additional voluntary modules beyond the standard curriculum for both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. This allowed me to complement my studies with courses from my original Bachelor’s specialisation in Finance and Risk Management, which I found particularly beneficial."
What advice do you have for current students?
"My experiences with a dual study programme have been entirely positive. I recommend everyone to pursue a suitable job alongside their studies. This not only offers financial benefits but also provides practical relevance and the acquisition of knowledge from both theory and practice."
Can current HDBW students also pursue working student positions, internships, etc., at your company?
"Yes, internships are certainly possible. We are always open to dedicated and motivated students who wish to gain practical experience. Depending on the field of study and availability, we can offer internships in various departments, such as IT, CAD design, and even with additional hands-on experience opportunities like timber construction, among others."