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Master study Cyber Security - Check the application

Cyber Security

Master of Science | State-recognised


With increasing digitisation, security of IT systems implemented is a key issue for companies, organisations, governments and private individuals. Specialists are needed to protect information and systems from risks, threats and crises.

And cyber security is not just about computer hardware or the Internet. It includes all information technology connected to the Internet and similar networks, as well as operational technologies from the area of industrial plants and public supply networks.

At a glance

  • each winter and summer semester
  • full-time 3 semester
  • 720 € each month
  • No numerus clausus

Career perspectives with a Master's degree in Cyber Security

Practically every organisation, from small businesses to large international corporations, needs well-trained cyber experts for their IT security.

There are various fields of application after your cyber security studies:

What you can expect in the Master's degree programme Cyber Security

Master Studium - Cyber Security

In your English-language Master's degree programme in Cyber Security at the HDBW, you will acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in a wide range of topics. From encryption, the assessment of various system and network architectures in terms of security and threat potential, the right approach to disaster recovery, to securing the entire lifecycle of applications - from design to end-of-life.

As artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important, the course will teach you about the latest applications of AI and its many uses. In addition, Operational Technologies for industrial plants and public utility networks, including the associated applications, processes, communication as well as processed information.

In this thoroughly application-oriented Master's degree, you can specialise in two directions: technology or organisation & management.

Why study at a private university in Germany?

Small and international study groups await you in this English-language Master's programme at HDBW. As a team with your fellow students, you will cooperate on an equal footing and in direct contact with excellent professors and lecturers with extensive operational experience.

At HDBW you can apply and deepen the knowledge you have acquired in study groups, while writing seminar papers and in giving presentations.

You also benefit from a very personal university atmosphere and specific support. As a result, you will achieve your study and career goals faster and more efficiently than in bigger and more anonymous institutions.

Voice from the Cyber Security Master's programme

HDBW Unternehmenspartner  - Stefan Vilsmeier, CEO und Gründer Brainlab
Stefan Vilsmeier | Founder and CEO of Brainlab AG

"As a forward-looking and innovative company, we offer students of the Master's programmes Cyber Security and Digital Factory and Operational Excellence the opportunity to link their theoretically acquired knowledge with our practical company content. We benefit greatly from the input and fresh ideas of the HDBW students. At the same time, we see this as an investment in the long-term bond between us and the skilled workers we need in our company."


Study Life at HDBW

All about the Master's degree programme Cyber Security

Completed Bachelor's degree

  • (Business) Computer Science or
  • Industrial Engineering or
  • Electrical engineering / information technology or comparable subjects
  • Other courses of study on request from the HDBW study advisory service.


  • Ideally 210 ECTS, but at least 180 ECTS.
  • For a Bachelor's with 180 ECTS, individual agreements will be made before the start of the program in order to complete the missing ECTS

Language level

Language level B2 in the lecture language English

The monthly tuition fee in the Master's programme Cyber Security is:

  • 720 € full-time study 3 semesters
  • 432 € part-time study 5 semesters

Your advantages at the HDBW

  • No additional registration fee
  • All courses & examination fees are already included

The Master's degree programme Cyber Security is offered at HDBW Munich

Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HDBW)
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8
D – 81829 München, Germany


All classroom lectures in the Master's programme are streamed live online (without recording). This means that the Master's programme Cyber Security can also be completed as a purely online programme.

  • 14 March (Summer Semester) and 30 September (Winter Semester) for national and EU-applicants
  • 15 December (Summer Semester) and 30 June (Winter Semester) for non-EU-applicants
    Why? Veryfing your application documents, visa processs etc. take much longer

Programme Start

  • Summer Semester, starting mid-March
  • Winter Semester, starting early October

Study Period

  • 3 semesters full-time
  • 5 semesters part-time

Duration Winter Semester

  • 1 October until 14 March 
  • Lectures from early October late January
  • Examination period generally until mid-February

Duration Summer Semester

  • 15 March until 30 September 
  • Lectures from Mid-March until early July
  • Examination period generally until late July

Duration of studies - depending on study time model

  • 3 semesters of full-time study
  • 5 semesters of part-time study (reduced number of modules per semester, some block lectures)


Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Cyber Security


  • 90 ECTS credits are earned in the HDBW Master's programme
  • 300 ECTS credits in total in the HDBW Bachelor & Master programme

* ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

What study time models are available in the Cyber Security Masters's programme?

The English-language master's degree is offered both as a full- and part-time programme. The lectures take place in presence on campus. They are always streamed as well - without recording. And individual selected modules can take place completely online.

The modules take place in 1-2 block weeks per semester and at times that are compatible with working hours - weekdays from 16:30, Fridays from 13:00 and some Saturdays. The schedule for the next semester will be announced early.

Business Informatics Master full-time | Cyber Security

The state-recognised Master of Science degree in Cyber Security can be completed as full-time programme at HDBW in Munich.

The practice-oriented lectures and seminars of this full-time Business Informatics master's programme spread over 3 semesters:

  1. Semester: Fundamentals and electives
  2. Semester: Focus module technology or management
  3. Semester: Master's thesis

Module Plan Cyber Security: Full-time studies

  • Introduction into Cyber Security   5 ETCS
  • Cryptography   5 ETCS
  • Systems and Networks   5 ETCS
  • System analysis and hardening   5 ETCS
  • Application Development and Security Lifecycle   5 ETCS

Electives - choose 1 subject:

  • Cloud Hacking or   2.5 ETCS
  • Technology Ethics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Linux Basics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Introduction to Docker or   2.5 ETCS
  • Workshop Threat Intelligence or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cyber Project   2.5 ETCS
  • Legal aspects & Privacy   5 ETCS
  • Seminar: Current topics of Cyber Security   5 ETCS
  • Requirements Engineering and Threat Modelling   5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Technology
    • Intrusion Detection und Digitale Forensics   5 ETCS
    • System- and Networksecurity   5 ETCS
    • Al methods   5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Management
    • Security Maturity   5 ETCS
    • Security governance and compliance   5 ETCS
    • Security management   5 ETCS
  • Incident Management and Disaster Recovery   5 ETCS
  • Security aspects in application areas (Industrial Internet,IoT, Mobile und Cloud, etc.)   5 ETCS
  • Masterthesis   18 ETCS
  • Master's thesis Final Exam   2 ETCS

Electives - choose 1 subject:

  • Introduction to Docker or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cloud Hacking or   2.5 ETCS
  • Workshop Threat Intelligence or   2.5 ETCS
  • Linux Basics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Technology Ethics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cyber Project   2.5 ETCS

Business Informatics Master part-time | Cyber Security

The state-recognized Master of Science degree in the English-taught Cyber Security degree programme can also be obtained as part-time study at HDBW Munich.

The practice-related course content and seminars of the part-time Master's programme are spread over 5 semesters. This means that a reduced number of modules are taken per semester. The order of the modules differs slightly depending on whether the programme starts in the summer or winter semester:

  1. Semester: Fundamentals
  2. Semester: Focus module technology or management
  3. Semester: Applications and electives
  4. Semester: Safety and current topics
  5. Semester: Master thesis

Module Plan Cyber Security: Part-time studies

  • Introduction into Cyber Security   5 ETCS
  • Systems and Networks   5 ETCS
  • System analysis and hardening   5 ETCS

Electives - choose 1 subject:

  • Linux Basics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Technology Ethics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Workshop Threat Intelligence or   2.5 ETCS
  • Introduction to Docker or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cloud Hacking or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cyber Project   2.5 ETCS
  • Legal aspects & Privacy   5 ETCS
  • Seminar: Current topics of Cyber Security   5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Technology I
    • System- and Networksecurity   5 ETCS
    • Al methods   5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Management I
    • Security governance and compliance   5 ETCS
    • Security management   5 ETCS
  • Application Development and Security Lifecycle   5 ETCS
  • Incident Management and Disaster Recovery   5 ETCS
  • Security aspects in application areas (Industrial Internet,IoT, Mobile und Cloud, etc.)   5 ETCS
  • Cryptography   5 ETCS
  • Requirements Engineering and Threat Modelling   5 ETCS

Electives - choose 1 subject and your Focus module:

  • Linux Basics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Technology Ethics or   2.5 ETCS
  • Cyber Project   2.5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Technology II
    • Intrusion Detection und Digitale Forensics   5 ETCS
  • Focus module: Management II
    • Security Maturity   5 ETCS
  • Masterthesis   18 ETCS
  • Master's thesis Final Exam   2 ETCS

Qualification goals: Cyber Security Master

  1. You know the different system and network architectures and can assess them with regard to their security and threat potential.
  2. You are familiar with the essential theoretical principles of encryption and their practical application.
  3. You know methods and tools that can be used to attack the various systems.
  4. You apply methods and tools for the detection, protection and defence of attacks on different levels and ways and know procedures for disaster recovery.
  5. You know the importance of security throughout the application lifecycle and are able to implement cyber security requirements from design to end-of-life.
  6. You know the essential organisational and legal aspects in the national and international context as well as the governance and compliance requirements that are relevant in the cyber security environment.
  7. In the various modules, you will learn about the latest approaches from artificial intelligence and their possible applications in IT security. AI knowledge is increasingly important in both the protection and attack of systems, networks and applications.
  8. You will have an application-oriented understanding of the listed aspects and will be able to independently implement them technically and organisationally as an employee in a responsible position in the area of cyber security.
  9. In different offered modules, from which two must be selected, additional knowledge about economic aspects, communication skills, project management or others are imparted.

Let us advise you personally!

HDBW Studienberatung - Sara Zurek

Sara Zurek

Student Advisory Service & Equal Opportunities Officer

+49 89 4567845-11
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HDBW Professors and external lecturer in Master's degree: Cyber Security

HDBW Professorin Sabine Rathmayer

Prof. Dr. Sabine Rathmayer

Faculty Business Informatics
Programme Director

+49 89 4567845-26
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HDBW Professor Jianmin Chen

Prof. Dr. Jianmin Chen

Faculty Engineering

Member of the HDBW Senate

+49 89 4567845-27
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Externer HDBW Dozent Alexander Forssmann

Alexander Forssman

Faculty Business Informatics

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HDBW Dozentin Dagmar Moser

Dagmar Moser

Faculty Business Informatics

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HDBW Professor Max Moser

Prof. Dr. Max Moser

Faculty Business Informatics

+49 89 4567845-39
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State recognition of the HDBW - Logo of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

And accredited by:

HDBW Accreditation - Logo Program Accreditation Accreditation CouncilHDBW Accreditation - Logo Wissenschaftsrat 5 years